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Repair Shops


Become part of the Repair Specialists Network

Do you operate a commercial truck repair shop? We can help you build your business, fill service bays, and generate additional revenue. Join the Repair Specialists network to take advantage of our network to gain new customers – with no subscription charges. Learn more

The Repair Specialists app is designed to be easy to use. Set your status within the Repair Specialists app to "Busy" or "Immediatley Available" to regulate your work flow. Take advantage of our network to gain new customers. No signup fees or subscription charges, we only make money when you do.  Our services include Truck and Trailer repair, Tire repair, Ag/Heavy Equipment repair, Recreational Vehicle (RV) repair, Automotive repair and Towing services. Join the fastest growing mechanical network in Canada.


How it Works

  1. Download the App

    Download Repair Specialist App for iPhone and iPads Download Repair Specialist App for Android phones and tablets

  2. Create an Account

    Answer a few questions about yourself and your business to get started.

  3. Send Info

    Send us the required information, as outlined in your introduction email.

  4. You're Ready!

    Login and set your status to "Available" or "Busy" as you need. Customers will start contacting you once your account is confirmed in the app.

Why Choose Repair Specialists


Once your account is setup, all you have to do is set your status and take on new work.

Increase Revenue

Reach new customers and provide more services when you take advantage of the Repair Specialists network. No hidden fees or monthly charges, we all grow together.

Measurable Impact

Easily measure the return on your investment. Every call is logged to your app, no second-guessing your data. More calls equal increased revenue, it's all logged, and at your fingertips.